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STIR Foundation

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STIR stands Sustainocracy, Transformation, Indexation and Research. It also refers to agitation, provocation, mixing up, excitement. That is exactly what happens when society learns to deal with holistic processes within the context of “global issues, local solutions”.

The foundation was registered in 2009 in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) with the objective to redefine and implement society “worthy of passing on to our children”. Even though its meaning and practical execution as a verb refers to some kind of disturbance the reality of the foundation is very peaceful, purpose driven, empirical and science based as well as transformative. People refer to our activities as an “evolution” rather than “revolution”, sometimes even a “re-evolution” in the sense that we need to get back to the basic understandings of our being as biological species in the context of a natural symbiotic environment.

STIR evolved gradually into the foundation that gathers empirical experience on the development of local holistic solutions to global problems using the sustainocratic ideology and methods we developed. STIR now establishes multidisciplinary cooperative ventures that address such issues locally with the direct involvement of scientific research, government, innovative entrepreneurship and local citizens.

AiREAS: healthy cities through healthy air and mobility
FRE2SH: regional food resilience
School of Talents: participatory learning through engagement

STIR tends to be the initiator of the processes, the first contact point. STIR is seen as the sustainocratic tree on which the cooperative ventures grow and become independent as ripe apples. STIR only deals with the big societal complexities.  Just contact jp@stadvanmorgen.com to see what we can do together……


1 Comment

  1. We are activists/experts with a number of strategies we are working on: First, a 7 minute animation we made that explains horizontal governance.
    We are also in the process of co-creating a network of networks with tools for collaboration and organizing on all scales. We are also in the process of collaborating with others doing similar or the same thing. We want to promote and help the reinventing of cities, localization, etc. and to make a website of innovations. It seems our interests overlap favorably and perhaps we could collaborate in some way.
    Mofwoofoo (Tom Osher)

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