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In AiREAS "profitability" is measured in public health

In AiREAS “profitability” is measured in local air quality and public health

AiREAS is taking cocreative and multidisciplinairy responsibility for “healthy cities” by taking air quality and human health as points of reference.

AiREAS is the very first sustainocratic cooperative venture that was born out of the work of the Dutch STIR Foundation. Even though AiREAS has a world wide mission it establishes highly focused “Local AiREAS” for any specific territory (city, province, region). The mission of any Local AiREAS is to cocreate a healthy city through purpose driven interaction of the four key parts of any local society:

  • Local government: regional responsibility
  • Business:  applied innovation and services
  • Science: research and education
  • Local population: behavior and mentality

These four pillars are invited to formalize a cooperative that is kept together by a civilian, independent, non institutionalized person with specific qualifications of connecting people to the result driven purpose of the cooperation.

The first local AiREAS was created in the city of Eindhoven (The Netherlands) in 2010 by Jean-Paul Close and Marco van Lochem. It became effective as a local cooperative mission with all members in place, on October 11th, 2012, in the city of Eindhoven (NL). The value driven cooperation developed two interactive city backbones:
* ILM: low cost, fine maze, real time air quality measurement system (making the invisible visible)
* Health monitoring of a large sample of citizens.
These backbones feed the interactive proces of applied social, technological and policy innovation.

The original objective was to show the world that healthy cities can be created when responsibility is taken by the entire community together. Now the experience is made available worldwide. Local AiREAS elsewhere in the world will be local for local and interconnected in a worldwide network.

Every one in a sustainocratic venture is empowered with authority by adhering to the purpose without dominance

AiREAS is a sustainocratic venture

AiREAS uses the STIR loop as part of the principles of the transformation economy, redefining human system’s complexities.

If interested please contact me:

Jean – Paul Close
Initiator of AiREAS, Sustainocracy, Transformation economy and STIR loop.
Skype: jeanpaul858


  1. […] AiREAS, first sustainocratic cooperation […]

  2. Luis says:

    Hi Dutch people, Id like to write some info that could be of your interest if you are a European citizen that pay taxes in your country or even if you go to Spain even it is just for vacations….

    By the begining of this month (July 2013) Ive received on my mobile over 20 alerts, in about “JUST 7 DAYS” on extremely high pollution in the city of Madrid. Our governments in the last years (psoe and pp) didnt care about the quality of the air we breath or our health, the majority of the people living here dont even know about this health issues (lack of info or just lack of interest).
    Maybe some of the readers could think: “Madrid is far away from here” or “I pay my taxes in Holland, so its not my problem”. For those people, Id like to say that:
    -What about the taxes you pay in Holland?? do you know that a lot of money from your taxes come to countries with finantial problems ? If your money comes here to Spain maybe you should be worried where is our government expending this money on ? corruption ? transfering money to their private accounts in Switzerland? Cayman Islands ? . Yes, if you pay you have the right to know and to decide where is your money going (corruption or solving real problems of people, normal people just like you)
    -What about those people who love Spain (or not) but just come here on holidays ? do you know the quality of the air you are breathing here ?? Do you mind if you get poisoned every time you visit Spain ??

    If you pay, you have the right to decide and have information on where is your money ending.
    If you breath here, you have the right to know which poison/s you are bringing to your blood and vital organs like lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, etc..

    Have a great summer !!!

  3. Hello Spanish people ;-). Thank you for reminding us of the degree of air pollution in Spanish cities. In AiREAS we do not point at government for what they do or don’t do. We point at ourselves. We take responsibility for our environment and invite government to help by taking responsibility with us. If they don’t they have to explain why but it does not stop us from acting.

    We invite the Spanish people to become an AiREAS too. If you do then we can be of assistance with all scientific know how we accumulate and top technological and social innovators that join our commitment to health through cooperative venturing. It is up to you, not us to take responsibility first.
    Warm regards
    Jean – Paul Close

  4. […] AiREAS, first sustainocratic cooperation […]

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